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Living Loved, Walking by Faith: Francesca's Inspirational Story

Laura Jane

We are so excited to share an interview with Francesca, an inspirational speaker and writer whose faith shines brightly through all that she does. Francesca's story is one of incredible resilience and unwavering trust in God. We hope it blesses you as much as it has blessed us. 

Laura: Hi Francesca! Can you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about yourself?

Francesca: Hi everyone! My name's Francesca, I'm an inspirational speaker and writer from the UK. I love all things creative - music, art, photography, journaling. My faith in Jesus is my hope, strength and anchor in life; the foundation on which I build. It's kept me strong through adversity and challenging times.

Laura: That's beautiful! You mentioned your faith being a foundation, can you share how you came to know Jesus?

Francesca: I grew up a Christian, so had a relationship with Jesus from a very young age. However, it wasn’t until I was 13 years old that my health rapidly deteriorated, I knew that I needed Jesus. My faith was the only thing that I could hold onto, cling to and hope in when everything else in my world was falling apart. 

Laura: It sounds like a life changing event. If you don't mind, please share with us your story and what impact it has had on your faith. 

Francesca: Absolutely, I've been a wheelchair user since I was 13 years old but for the last 4 years I’ve been a full time wheelchair user. I grew up a very active child, loved to dance, play sports and just loved everything about life. Adversity wasn’t really a word in my vocabulary, until I was 12 years old. I had a sudden accident at school and tore the ligaments in my ankle.

From that day forward, my life went downhill. Something in the moment of impact shifted in my body and I’ve never felt the same since. I lost the ability to walk well and do everything that I loved. I had to leave full time schooling at 13 and experienced a range of symptoms that left me a shadow of my former self. 

I wrestled with God as to why this was happening to me. I felt incredibly alone and encompassed by pain and darkness. I struggled to understand how my life had changed so quickly and questioned God’s love for me. It was a hard battle mentally and emotionally as well as physically.

As time went by, light started to creep back into my world and God brought people into my life who reminded me of his love. My family, friends and professionals. Over the years my battle continued and I had to rehabilitate my body from scratch. Having to learn how to do everything again, like sit up, feed myself, speak, read, stand and to walk again, amongst other things. It’s taken a lot of faith and mental endurance to keep going! 

Fast forward to the end of 2020, I had something similar to a stroke and lost the ability to walk and use the whole of the left hand side of my body. I felt overwhelmed with discouragement as I’d worked so hard all of those years to regain my abilities, to have them suddenly taken away again and to start over. However, throughout the last 4 years especially, my faith has only grown and strengthened. I feel so much purpose in life! Being able to share my story and testify of God’s goodness! There’s definitely more to come! 

Laura: That must have been so difficult. I know I take for granted the ability to do all the things you mentioned. How did you find the strength to keep going? What lessons was God teaching you through it all?

Francesca: Wow, so many lessons. I’d say my biggest one has been learning to trust in the Lord when everything is so uncertain. Knowing that even when I can’t see the way forward, he does! There have been so many times throughout my journey where I’ve been completely bed bound, all I could do was lie there and try my best to keep breathing. I held onto the scripture Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I’m God.” I knew that God would fight for me, I’d only need to be still" Exodus‬ ‭14‬:‭14‬.

I’ve learnt so much about unconditional love, especially from my family and friends. They really have been the Lord’s hands and feet for me here on Earth. I really wouldn’t be here today without them. And lastly, I would say a great lesson for me has been patience. Having had to rehabilitate my body several times has been an incredibly slow process. Sometimes I get frustrated that I’m not where I’d like to be in life physically, but I know that God has a plan for my life and to be able to extend that same love, patience and grace to myself, as he does. 

Laura: Look at God! I'm amazed at what He has been doing through you amidst the pain. How do you think God has used your experience to encourage others?

Francesca: This last year I’ve had the opportunity to host and co-host a live audio room online via the Christian dating app SALT. Talking about faith and chronic illness. We’ve held discussions with Christians all over the world. It’s been such a unifying experience, bringing together the body of Christ, encouraging one another and sharing our experiences of living with illness but with great faith! 

Laura: That's such an incredible opportunity!

Our readers won't know that this interview was birthed from a photograph you sent to us of you in your clothing. We were so touched to hear that our Stay Lit apparel has been a source of encouragement for you. Can you share with us a bit about how we fit into your journey?

Francesca: Yes of course! I have two sweatshirts that I absolutely love! One with the quote “living loved” and the other “walking by faith.” They have got me through some really hard times, like hospital stays or appointments. With the reminder that I am always loved by our creator. I also love wearing them when I host my audio rooms or podcasts, to share the message that we are always “walking by faith”, even though I’m unable to physically walk at this stage of life. I feel like I’m being clothed in God’s love every time I wear them! And to share the message of love, hope and faith! 

Laura: Hearing that warms my heart. It's genuinely what this ministry is all about. Empowering others to share Jesus with those around them. I feel so encouraged just reading through this interview.

I wondered, before you go, would you be able to share some encouragement with our readers?

Francesca: To anyone reading; in life, we are ever evolving, changing and are faced with many challenges. However, throughout everything we go through, God does not change. He is constant and nothing can ever separate us from His love. You are so loved and don't give up hope! 

Laura: Francesca, thank you so much for taking the time to share your story with us. May God continue to use you for His glory. 

If you'd like to connect with Francesca here are her links below! 

Been inspired by Francesca's story? Why not share your story with us. 


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