The past few months have been a season where we have experienced taking life at a slower pace than we are used to. “Normal” life seems like it’s been put on pause, and we are all waiting to see what this “new normal” will really look like.
For many of us this was not something we asked for, or even wanted. But in this season I have had to time to reflect and appreciate the importance of rest.

A Little Background about myself
The past 6 years of my life have been non-stop! As soon as university started, life began to move swiftly. It was like a huge stone ball rolling down a steep hill. Yes, it started off slowly but the further it went, the more momentum it gained. Then gradually the speed increased until it felt like there was no way of stopping it.
I was constantly working towards something. I didn't even have time to think of what my next step was, yet alone why I was even making it.
Before I knew it, 1st year was complete, then 2nd, 3rd and 4th. All of a sudden the graduation cap was on my head and my new job had already started! I moved to a new area and I found myself finally working towards something, for the sake of working towards something.
However, when I gained the something there was still something more to work towards. It felt like a vicious cycle that I had willingly, but unintentionally put myself in. And my soul was crying out for rest. stopped.
Lockdown happened and everything just stopped. And I rested. I spent time getting closer to God, seeking Him through Bible study and prayer. I stepped away from the grind. I spent time in nature, watched the sunrise and listened to the birds sing. I picked up old and new hobbies and recalibrated.
Though it seemed like we were living in a different chapter of Revelation every day, I rested in God’s peace. The peace that surpasses all understanding. (Philippians 4:7)
You know, this experience is such a great example of why God gave us rest. And you don’t have to wait 6 years to experience it! God wants us to rest in Him daily, each moment, to put our full trust in
Him and to know He’s got it all under control.
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”- Matthew 11:29
What is Sabbath?
Did you know God has set a date with you, each week to rest in Him (we’ll discover when this in part two so you won’t be late!). He knows we are prone to forgetfulness so He reminds us:
“Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy, six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the Seventh is Day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God…” Exodus 20:8-10.
Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word ‘šāḇaṯ’ which means ‘to rest’. In Exodus 20:8-10 God says “Remember the day of rest”.
It’s so easy to want to work hard and neglect rest, but God knows that we need it. So much so, He has given it to us as a commandment, a commandment that’s also a gift.

Just like sleep, though you may want to fight it (not me of course), you can’t live without it! Literally.
Sometimes, like in my experience, life feels like that huge stone ball rolling down a hill. It’s hard to stop, and it’s easy to lose control.
We end up forgetting the ‘why’ of our actions and instead find ourselves only doing the ‘what’. We forget why God has given us our friends, our family. We forget why He has blessed us with money and jobs, we even forget why He has given us life! But the why makes all the difference.

Something I love about God, is that even though we forget the why, one day each week, God calls us to reenergise, refocus and get back in tune with Him, the Source of everything.
And when we do, we are able to not only do the ‘what’ but also understand the ‘why’. We are able to be the best we can be for our Creator, for our family, our friends and our world.
So keep calm, trust God and rest (Sabbath).
*This is the first of our three part Sabbath series, keep your eyes peeled for the other posts coming up.
About The Author
Hi there, I’m Nomsa. I’m 24 years old and currently living in Surrey and working in locally in the financial sector. These past few years for me have been focused on trying to figure out my life’s direction, growing spiritually and emotionally and so much more. In these crazy years I have personally experienced and valued the joy that is Sabbath.
So I was super excited when Laura asked me to write a little something for the Stay Lit Apparel blog. I hope that you will be blessed by what I have to share on the blessing of
Sabbath through the eyes of my own experiences. If you would like to reach out to me, please feel free to send me an email on
Stay blessed and Stay Lit!