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What is Forgiveness and How Can I Be Forgiven?

Laura Jane

This year, we decided to not just have our usual blog posts and testimonies but to also bring you some interactive Bible studies that you can do in your own time at home.

So many of you have expressed a desire to want to seek God more personally and daily devotions are one of the ways we can grow in our relationship with God.

Bible Study Stay Lit Apparel, Learning How To Forgive Others

Icebreaker Task:

Do a dictionary & thesaurus search for the word forgiveness and write down as many words as you can find that are associated with forgiveness. Get creative with it, it can be presented in the form of a word cloud, a colourful piece of art or simply just a standard list - play to your strengths and learning styles to get the best out of Bible studies!

please forgive me scrabble letters

What is forgiveness and how can I access it?

Next answer the following questions using the Bible as a guide for your answers. The verses below act as a guide to help you navigate through God’s Word but feel free to do a Bible search of your own and find additional verses to help you answer each question. Write as much as you can and aim for a clear answer to each question. If you find yourself asking more questions write these out too.

1. Where does forgiveness come from? Who has the power to forgive us from sin?

Ephesians 1:7, Psalms 86:5, Isaiah 1:18

2. Why do we need forgiveness? Why is it important to ask for forgiveness?

Romans 6:23, Romans 3:23

men hugging

3. What does God say about how to access forgiveness?

2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 John 1:9

4. Is there any thing that may hinder us from receiving forgiveness?

Mark 11:25, Matthew 6:14

5. What else does the Bible teach us about forgiving others?

Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13

reaching out to touch hands in the air

Reflect: Ask yourself these three questions

  • What you learnt about God and His character?

  • What you learnt about yourself?

  • What action(s) do you feel God is calling you to take in your life after going through this study? (Home, Work, Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional - try to think of all the aspects of your life God may be calling you to do something in just one, or in multiple.)


We hope this Bible study was helpful and insightful. Would you like to see more Bible studies on the blog? If so let us know in the comments below.


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