God's Word offers so much help, support and advice. God knew exactly what He was doing when He instructed men & women to compile their stories and create this awesome book we know as The Bible. There's little doubt concerning the fact that the Bible is the best selling book of all time and it continues to bring hope, light and life to individuals all over the world.

Bible Verses To Turn To When You Need Help - Part 1
Sometimes the Bible can be overwhelming. Yes, I said it. There's just so much wisdom in it that often we don't even know where to look or to start looking for a verse, story or quote that would help us in our specific situation. So here's a list of Bible verses to get you started.
Think of it like God's prayer line except:
❤️ You don't even need a phone
❤️ It's open 24/7
❤️ You can open up about any issues
❤️ It's strictly confidential
❤️ Every phone call is life changing
Make sure you save the post for later so you can come back to it anytime!
When You Feel Upset
John 14
When You Feel Weak
Psalm 18:1-29
When You Have Sinned
Psalm 51
When You Feel Worried
Matthew 8:19-31
When You Feel Anxious
Philippians 4:4-9

When You Feel Unhappy
Colossians 3:12-17
When You Are In Danger
Psalm 91
When You Feel Depressed
Psalm 27
When You Feel Overwhelmed
Psalm 61:1-4 & Psalm 142

Getting To Grips With The Bible
There are benefits to having both a physical and online Bible. Bible apps give you the option to highlight texts and bookmark Scripture for later which makes these verses easier to find when you are out and about.
Not every Christian has a Bible in their rucksack, handbag or car. We live in such a digital age that we don't always have physical copies of the Bible to hand, and that's okay. There are hundreds of Bible apps and online resources you can use to still connect with God's word anywhere.

Here are some pros about the different types of Bibles:
With A Physical Bible
You don't need the internet.
You can take it anywhere.
You can have as many of them as you like in different versions.
They are great for blocking out distractions as they have just one function.
They come in different sizes, shapes and colours.
You can get journalling Bibles and customise them.
They often come with a built in concordance - a list of words and Bible verses that relate to them.
With A Digital Bible
Sometimes you need the internet or need to download your favourite versions so you can use them anywhere.
Wherever you take your device, you also take your Bible
You can access hundreds of different versions instantly.
You can use tools to highlight and bookmark verses for later.
You can add notes and comments to verses.
You can easily share verses with friends.
You can use the search feature to quickly find verses on specific topics.

But What If I Don't Have My Bible With Me?
But there's also the small matter of having an emergency with no Bible and no app. That's where Scripture memorisation comes into play. If you've never done it I encourage you to start today! Committing Scripture to memory means there for life. You don't need to frantically flick through pages or search through all your bookmarks to find what you're looking for. All you need to do is ask God to bring back to your memory the verse you need in that specific moment. And trust me, He will do it.
Additional Resources
A Bible Dictionary - You can look up specific words, find out their original meaning and dig deeper into the Scriptures
A Concordance - Often at the back of a Bible there is a list of words with Bible verses that correlate to those words
Devotional Books - To guide you through the Scriptures with a structured plan
We hope these verses have been helpful in kickstarting your emergency Bible verse list. As you grow in Christ you can formulate your own list and also build on your understand of God and His word.
If you enjoyed part one, make sure you check out part two!
What Bible verses do you turn to in an emergency? Drop them in the comments below and let's encourage each other.