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Lessons Learned in Unfaithfulness

Laura Jane

I’ve never been more loved than I am right now. Famous words to a popular Christian song, Jireh. Last night as I lay in bed, these words hit home harder than anything I’d experienced before. Let me start from the beginning…

Have you ever wondered why the Christian journey is not just called the Christian way? I have, and I’m starting to think it’s because there are many different ‘ways’ to end up at the same destination.

We all start at different points. Some of us might get lost in the middle, others of are focused on asking for directions. You’ve got the die hard Google maps users and the innovative bunch that prefer what three ways or waze. If you’re anything like me your journey involves always going for the fastest option, while others prefer the scenic route.

Recently I got to a part in my Christian journey where I got lost. I was supposed to be following God my sat nav but for some reason, pride led me to believe I had it all figured out. Instead of asking for help, I did the human thing of believing that I could find my own way out of the mess.

Let me tell you, I was wrong.

Amidst all the blessings God kept showering on me, I got complacent. I forgot about the part I play in our relationship, faithfulness. The more wrong turns I made, the easier it became to stay lost and the harder it became to ask for help. Note to self: it’s okay to admit you’re wrong.

While I was busy doing everything wrong, God was busy making everything right. While I was ignorant of my spiritual condition, God was waiting patiently for my cry for help. While I continued to be unfaithful, God was more than just faithful. He was my Rock, Redeemer, Saviour and Friend. Strength, Helper, Sustainer and Teacher.

None of it made sense. Day after day I kept waiting for God to pull the plug and cut me off like I deserved but instead He kept giving and giving and giving.

people hugging

I do believe that we go through things in our lives so that we can learn from them. While I’m also learning, I thought i’d take the time to also share. Here are three things I learnt in this season:

Three Lessons I Learnt In My Season of Unfaithfulness

1. God is faithful even when we are not

Let’s get one thing straight, just because God continues to be faithful, doesn’t mean we should be unfaithful. When you love someone, naturally you show it in the way you treat them. It’s the same with God, our faithfulness to Him should come from a place of love and reciprocation.

With all this said, God’s faithfulness to me is not reliant on my faithfulness to Him. Faithful is His nature. So regardless of my stupidity, God continues to be faithful. He proved it time and time again in His Word. (Have you read about the Israelites? If you know you know!)

if we are faithless, he remains faithful - 2 Timothy 2:13

If we lose our way, our faith and our desire to serve Him, that does not stop God from being who He is.

2. Blessings are not based on our performance

It is true that there are conditional blessings found in the Bible. God often spoke to certain groups of people, (namely, those Israelites again,) and let them know that if they followed His laws for example, He would bless them.

But not every blessing God gives is tied to a condition. There are times in our lives that God blesses us because He is simply the giver of all good things. I am quite confident that no words I say will make this make sense. Because how God works in my life often doesn’t make sense. He is just too good. Against Him, I see my sinful nature in full swing. But I am so grateful that God is not like me and that He gives purely because He loves.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” - John 3:16

3. God doesn’t give up on us

Every time I slipped deeper and deeper into sin, the devil tried his best to silence God’s voice in my life. Where I once had peace, there was anxiety. Instead of truth, my mind was riddled with lies. Instead of courage, there was fear. But God continued to find His way though the madness. In the stillness, softly and tenderly, Jesus continued to call my name.

If there is one thing in life I am grateful for, it’s the fact that Jesus loves me too much to let me go.

The Lord is not slow to fulfil his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. - 2 Peter 3:9
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 8:38-39

And just like that, I repeat, I’ve never been more loved than I am right now.

I have no idea what season of life you’re in. But if you got lost like me, let this blog post be a reminder that there is nowhere you can go that the grace of God can’t reach you. Claim the promises listed above, that even in Your unfaithfulness, God is faithful. He came to the world to save you! He is patient towards you because He desires Your repentant heart. There is nothing in this world that can separate you from God’s love.


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Douglas Gausi
Douglas Gausi
Aug 07, 2024

Love and needed this! Thank you for the reminder🙌🏾

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